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Jenn Ashworth
2021, 304 p.

One morning, Laurie’s husband, Mark, just disappears. She doesn’t tell anyone, not even Mark’s mother who lives in Portugal. Finally, after five weeks, she calls the police, who find her behaviour rather suspicious. Laurie addresses the reader directly, seemingly taking us into us her confidence. We learn about her complicated relationship with her father, who suffers from dementia and accuses his late wife of having had numerous affairs, and with Olenka, his cleaner-cum-housekeeper. We also see how Laurie drinks too much and doesn’t sleep well, having nightmares in which she is being accused of something very bad. And, together with Laurie, we also discover the secrets Mark kept from his wife. Gradually the events are revealed that caused the couple to drift apart. Ghosted is a moving story about love, sadness and anger, but also about new beginnings, told in a dark but humorous way.


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