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NIET MEER TE KIEZEN VANAF 2024-2025 – The Only Story

Julian Barnes
, 2018, 213 pages, UK p.

This is a novel about a complicated love affair. It is narrated by Paul, who is looking back on his life. Paul was 19 when he first met Susan, a woman more than twice his age. They met at a tennis club and fell in love. It is set in the London suburbs in the 1960s. The novel is divided in three parts, written in three different narrative voices: the first, second and third person. With each change, Paul moves on to a new phase in their affair, describing the demands that are placed on him by the lifelong consequences of his first love. Barnes explores - once again - what we forget and remember, the reliability of our memories. ‘The Only Story’ is a beautifully written, deeply moving novel.


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